
To become a NYDAI volunteer please contact Jakub Polaczyk at polaczyk@nydai.org

A large part of our success can be attributed to our  volunteers, many of whom have devoted their time to our organization since its establishment. Among their numerous responsibilities are updating the website, social media management, hosting events on stage, seeking new sponsors, filming and photographing events, welcoming guests, and preparing the gallery for new exhibitions. These tasks however, reflect only a small portion of what our volunteers do. NYDAI values creativity and we are always looking for people with new ideas. It is the blend of distinctive personalities and talents that makes our group so special.

Every person who volunteers their time has different reasons for doing so, therefore it is difficult to measure individual rewards. However, all volunteers benefit from free admission to all NYDAI events, excellent recommendations for school or work, and experience in the field of their interest. College students may also do an internship and receive school credit. Most importantly, volunteers get to meet interesting people and explore a variety of arts. As a group, we have accomplished many wonderful things and formed a very special friendship that can only continue to grow in the future.